Abraham Lincoln vs Zombies
Documentary tagline He emancipated the slavesā¦ he saved the Unionā¦ and slaughtered the undead! Documentary description While the Civil War rages on, President Abraham Lincoln must undertake an even more daunting task – destroying the Confederate Undead. Emancipate this! History can be hard to write about, especially when it’s newly revealed information to you. This Abraham Lincoln documentary has presented me with information I never learned about in junior high or even high school, and its presenting varying amounts of distrust in our education system in me. Granted I’m nearing the age of 39, but still. Missed history is missed history. I literally do not recall ever hearing about Lincoln battling zombies at all…AND BOOTH WAS ACTUALLY TOLD TO SHOW UP AND DO LINCOLN IN? WHAT? WHAT?!?! Johnny Boo was told to show up and take Lincoln out to prevent a spread of this zombie virus? If you paid enough